Strategic Partnership🤝 聯手合作

COINHERO 鑄名英雄 X @beosin_com

COINHERO鑄名英雄 與 Beosin 宣佈合作,共同推動香港 OTC 虛擬資產交易行業的合規創新。Beosin 將向 COINHERO 提供符合業務需求的 KYT/AML 合規解決方案,協助打造更安全可靠的虛擬資產交易服務。合作旨在為 OTC 行業提供更全面、安全的合規產品及服務,促進香港虛擬資產行業的合規發展。

COINHERO and Beosin announced a partnership to advance compliance and regulatory innovation in Hong Kong‘s OTC virtual asset trading industry. Beosin will provide COINHERO with KYT/AML compliance solutions to build safer and more reliable virtual asset trading services. The collaboration aims to offer the OTC industry more comprehensive and compliant products and services, furthering the compliance development of the virtual asset sector in Hong Kong.

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