
COINHERO ATM Terms and Conditions


訪問本網站並使用 COINHERO ATM 即表示您同意這些條款。如果您不同意這些條款,請勿使用 COINHERO ATM。

我們之間的協議包括條款和條件以及我們的隱私政策聲明以及可能不時進行的任何更新、修訂或修改(統稱為 協議).



  • The COINHERO ATM is a cryptocurrency exchange device (幣英雄ATM機) offered by BIT-TECH LIMITED (BIT-TECH) for users to exchange with BIT-TECH as the counterparty selected cryptocurrency for other selected cryptocurrency, selected cryptocurrency for fiat currency or purchase of selected cryptocurrency with fiat currency at a rate of exchange set by BIT-TECH, which may or may not reflect the then market rate of exchange for such cryptocurrency (the 服務). Services refer to any products, services, technologies or functionalities offered by BIT-TECH through the COINHERO ATM, in person at our service locations, at 幣英雄網.
  • Locations of the COINHERO ATM is shown in our Site. COINHERO ATM located outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (香港)由第三方服務提供商運營。
  • 您必須年滿 18 歲才能接受這些條款和條件並使用 COINHERO ATM。
  • You are responsible for any fees charged by your internet or mobile service provider relating to your use of the COINHERO ATM.
  • If you wish to learn more about the COINHERO ATM or the Services or you have any problems using the COINHERO ATM, please take a look at our support resources at the Site.
  • If you find the COINHERO ATM or the Services faulty or wish to contact us for any other reason, please email our customer service team at info@coinhero.hk 或致電+852 9014 4229。我們的客戶服務團隊將在收到您的信息後儘快回复。
  • We may use your mobile phone number and/or email address you have provided upon registration to send you SMS codes and any information relevant to your use of or access to the COINHERO ATM.


  1. 註冊賬戶


  • 我們可能會記錄您提供的信息,包括但不限於 個人資料 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區法律《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第 486 章)所定義的(PDPO) when you use the COINHERO ATM or register an account through our Site. You must agree to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement before your account is registered or if you use the Services through the COINHERO ATM.
  • Depending on the Services you choose when you use the COINHERO ATM, your biometric authentication provided when you registered your account will allow the COINHERO ATM to verify your identity.
  • 如果您有以下情況,您將承擔所有損失:
  • 實施欺詐行為,
  • 因重大疏忽而行事,或
  • failed to inform BIT-TECH as soon as possible after you find out or believe that unauthorised transactions have been conducted over the COINHERO ATM.
  1. 條款和條件的變更
  • BIT-TECH may be required to change the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement to reflect changes in law or best practice or to deal with additional features which we introduce.
  • We will notify you of the change in the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement by placing a notice of such change on the Site or the next time you use the COINHERO ATM.
  • If you do not accept the new Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, you may discontinue use of the COINHERO ATM and the Services.
  1. COINHERO ATM updates and maintenance


  • From time to time, we may automatically update the COINHERO ATM and further develop the Services to include new features, improve performance, enhance functionality, reflect changes to the operating system or address security issues.
  • The COINHERO ATM may also become temporarily unavailable when we’re conducting essential maintenance or system upgrades or our Site.
  • We do not guarantee that the reliability and availability of the COINHERO ATM will work with the current or previous version of the operating system (as it may be updated from time to time) or that the description and level of the Services and functionality of the COINHERO ATM will remain the same following an update to the COINHERO ATM.

We will not be responsible for any failure of access, delay, loss, diversion, alteration, corruption and other risks associated with hardware and software failure, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable due to an update of the COINHERO ATM.

  1. COINHERO ATM’s third party service providers
  • The availability of the COINHERO ATM is dependent on the reliability and availability of third-party service providers, such as software, internet network and other service providers that enable your access to the COINHERO ATM.
  • BIT-TECH may enter into a service agreement with a third party service provider to provide repair and maintenance services on the COINHERO ATM. BIT-TECH will not be accept any liability, loss or damages you may experience caused by the services provided by or any action or omission of such third party service provider.
  1. Using the COINHERO ATM responsibly


  • The COINHERO ATM and the Site belongs to BIT-TECH and you must only use it for the purposes set out in this Agreement. All content on the COINHERO ATM and the Site are the responsibility of the person from whom it originated. This means that you, and not us, are entirely responsible for all content that you upload or otherwise make available via the COINHERO ATM.
  • You must not act fraudulently or maliciously in relation to the COINHERO ATM or the Site, their data, or their features, including by reselling, copying, modifying, adversely effecting, reverse engineering, hacking into or inserting malicious code into the COINHERO ATM or the Site, or assist anyone to do any of these things, unless you have been authorised to do so.
  • You must not use the COINHERO ATM or the Site in any unlawful manner or in contravention of any agreements with us.
  • You must not transmit any material that is defamatory, offensive or otherwise objectionable in relation to your use of the COINHERO ATM, the Site or the Services.
  • You must not use the COINHERO ATM,the Site or the Services in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise our systems, security or interfere with other users.
  • You must not collect or harvest any information or data from the COINHERO ATM, the Site, our systems or attempt to decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Service.
  • We are providing you with the right to use the COINHERO ATM, the Site and the Services as set out in this Agreement. You may not otherwise transfer the COINHERO ATM or the Services to someone else, whether for money, for anything else or for free.
  1. 對遭受的損失或損害的責任
  • Any information or document transmitted through the COINHERO ATM or the Site is subject to risks of delay, loss, diversion, alteration, corruption and other risks associated with hardware and software failure.
  • We will only be responsible to you for losses caused by BIT-TECH’s gross negligence, fraud or wilful default.
  • The aggregate amount of loss or damages BIT-TECH is responsible for as a foreseeable result of BIT-TECH’s breach of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement is [HK$50,000].
  • 如果損失或損害明顯會發生,或者在您接受本協議的條款和條件時,我們和您都知道它可能會發生,則該損失或損害被視為可預見。
  • We will not be responsible for any unforeseeable loss or damage. If any law requires us to be responsible for any of your loss, we will be responsible only to the extent of re-supplying the Services via the COINHERO ATM or the cost of re-supplying those services. We reserve the right to terminate the Services and access to COINHERO ATM unilaterally in such event without any compensation to you whatsoever.
  • We will not be responsible to you for any loss of profit, business, business interruption, or business opportunity you may suffer from the use of, access to the COINHERO ATM or one of the Site, or as a consequence of:
  • not being able to use or access the COINHERO ATM or any Services within the COINHERO ATM;
  • 您因任何兌換交易或使用服務而遭受的損失;
  • an event outside our control, causing a delay in our provision of the Services or support for the COINHERO ATM, one of the Site or the Services;
  • 任何第三方的欺詐或疏忽行為;或者
  • 不遵守本協議規定的義務或違反任何相關法律或法規。
  1. 賠償


  • You will indemnify and will keep indemnified BIT-TECH against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including legal expenses and amounts paid in settlement of any disputes) it suffered which was incurred by you or any other person (where such person was able to use the COINHERO ATM using your credentials) arising as a result of the use of the COINHERO ATM and/or breach of this Agreement.
  • BIT-TECH will indemnify and will keep indemnified you against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including legal expenses and amounts paid in settlement of any disputes) suffered or incurred by you and arising as a result of the conditions stipulated in Clauses 7.2 and 7.3 of this Agreement.
  1. 暫停或取消訪問


  • We may suspend or cancel your access to the COINHERO ATM, the Site and the Services at our sole discretion :
    • to protect BIT-TECH’s business;
    • 保護您或我們免受欺詐或其他損失;
    • if you have not used the COINHERO ATM or the Site in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement; or
    • if we have reasonable grounds to believe that your use of the COINHERO ATM or the Site breaches the laws and regulations of Hong Kong or any other country.
  • If we suspend or cancel your access, the reason of such suspension or cancellation of access to COINHERO ATM, the Site and the Services is at our sole discretion and we need not explain such reason to you. Upon suspension or cancellation of your access to the COINHERO ATM, the Site and the Services, you must stop all activities authorised by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, including your use of the COINHERO ATM, the Site and the Services.
  1. 知識產權


  • All rights (such as copyright) in relation to the contents (such as trademarks, text, graphics, images, links and sounds) on the COINHERO ATM and the Site are owned by or licensed to BIT-TECH. Unless stated otherwise, the contents of the COINHERO ATM may not be copied, modified, downloaded, distributed, published, reused, reposted, reverse engineered, decompiled or made any use of in any way without BIT-TECH’s prior written consent.
  • You have no intellectual property rights in the COINHERO ATM, the Site or the Services other than the right to use them in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.
  • “COINHERO”, “COINHERO ATM”, “Coinhere” and all associated logos (the 商標) are pending or registered trademarks of BIT-TECH and are used under licence by BIT-TECH. You may not use the Trade Marks without prior written consent from BIT-TECH.
  • You unequivocally grant to BIT-TECH and its controlling entities a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable right and licence to use any information or materials which you submit to BIT-TECH using the COINHERO ATM or the Services for any purpose it deems appropriate, including, without limitation, the copying, modification, transmission, distribution and publication thereof, unless restricted by applicable law. You warrant and will ensure that any such information or material you submit to BIT-TECH does not infringe the rights of any third party.
  1. 保密和個人數據


  • BIT-TECH, in performing our obligations under this Agreement and in providing the Services, may from time to time be required to process information which: (i) constitutes Personal Data as defined in section 2(1) of the PDPO, and (ii) is disclosed to or otherwise made available to BIT-TECH by you or on behalf of you.  


  • 我們僅會出於本協議規定的目的以及相關適用法律和法規的要求而處理個人數據,並且我們將採取適當措施確保根據本協議處理的個人數據的安全,包括採取一切可行的步驟,確保任何個人數據(包括無法訪問或處理數據的形式的數據)免受未經授權或意外的訪問、處理、刪除、丟失或使用,特別是:


  • 數據的類型以及發生這些情況時可能造成的損害;
  • 存儲數據的物理位置;
  • 因意外或非法破壞、丟失、更改、未經授權披露或訪問傳輸、存儲或以其他方式處理的個人數據而產生的任何風險;
  • 存儲數據的任何設備中納入的任何安全措施(無論是通過自動方式還是其他方式);
  • 為確保數據訪問者的完整性、審慎性和能力而採取的任何措施;和
  • 為確保數據安全傳輸而採取的任何措施。
  • 我們應該:
  • 採取適當的技術和組織措施,防止未經授權或非法處理個人數據以及防止其意外丟失、損壞或毀壞,其中酌情包括:
  • 個人數據的加密;
  • 確保處理系統和服務持續保密性、完整性、可用性和彈性的能力;和
  • 在發生物理或技術事件時及時恢復個人數據的可用性和訪問的能力;
  • 確保並促使我們聘請和授權處理您的個人數據的任何人員對個人數據保密;
  • 及時協助您回應任何請求,並確保遵守我們在《個人資料保護條例》下有關安全、違規通知、監管機構或其他監管機構的義務,特別是,如果我們收到任何投訴、通知或通訊,我們將立即通知您涉及個人數據的處理;
  • 在意識到個人數據洩露後,通過您在註冊時提供的聯繫點立即通知您,並且在懷疑發生此類情況時,我們將立即進行初步評估,以確定該事件或事件是否符合本協議規定的通知條件條款;和
  • 保留足夠的記錄,並根據您的要求,提供您可能合理要求的信息,並允許您將其場所和運營提交給審計(包括檢查),以證明我們遵守 PDPO 和本協議。
  • Please be aware that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure and that any message or information you send using the COINHERO ATM, the Site or any Services may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that a particular transmission is encrypted. We will not be liable for any loss, damages incurred due to no fault or errors of BIT-TECH.
  1. 一般的


  • BIT-TECH may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to its affiliates or any third party. We will notify you of such transfer in writing by sending you a message to the contact point that you have provided upon registration and an SMS to your mobile phone number that you have provided is if this occurs. We will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the Agreement.
  • 如果本協議的某一條款被任何法院或其他主管機構認定為非法和/或不可執行,則本協議的其他條款將繼續有效。如果任何非法和/或不可執行的條款在其部分被刪除的情況下是合法或可執行的,則該部分將被視為已刪除,並且該條款的其餘部分將繼續有效(除非這與雙方的明確意圖相矛盾)涉及本協議的,則該相關原因全部被視為刪除)。
  • 本協議將受香港法律管轄並根據香港法律解釋。香港法院擁有專屬管轄權來裁決因本協議引起的或與本協議相關的任何爭議。
  • The COINHERO ATM, the Site and the Services are provided for general information and entertainment purposes only. They do not offer advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of information obtained from the COINHERO ATM, the Site or the Service. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information provided by the COINHERO ATM and the Site, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that such information is accurate, complete or up to date.
  • 儘管本協議的某項條款旨在賦予非本協議訂約方的任何人士利益,但非本協議訂約方的人士並不享有《合約(第三者權利)條例》(第.623) 執行本協議任何條款或享受本協議任何條款的利益。
