What is TON❓什麼是 TON❓

TON 是 The Open Network 區塊鏈的原生加密貨幣,也是推動 COINHERO 創新 web3 生態系統的驅動力。TON 擁有閃電般的交易速度和先進的安全性能,可在我們的平台上實現無縫和安全的數碼支付。

The native cryptocurrency of the TON blockchain, is the driving force behind COINHERO’s innovative web3 ecosystem. With lightning-fast transaction speeds and advanced security features, Toncoin enables seamless and secure digital payments on our platform. 

隨著我們的服務不斷擴展,TON 將在推動全新應用程式。如我們的 ATM 和 OTC 服務中發揮關鍵作用,徹底改變您參與數碼貨幣的方式。與 COINHERO 一起探索 TON 的潛力,發現金融的未來。

As we expand our offerings, Toncoin will play a pivotal role in powering exciting new applications, like our ATM and OTC services, revolutionizing how you engage with digital currencies. Explore the potential of Toncoin with COINHERO and discover the future of finance. 

Contact us at info@coinhero.hk
