重要通知:COINHERO ATM交易費用調整
由於最近比特幣網路交易費用(Gas fee)的異常飆升,我們不得不對COINHERO ATM的交易費用進行調整。 這項調整是出於當前市場狀況以及為了確保交易確認的速度和可靠性。 我們明白這對大家來說可能會帶來不便,但我們相信這是確保交易能順利進行的必要措施。
比特幣交易費用是由比特幣網路上的供需關係和區塊鏈容量來決定的。 近期,由於比特幣的價格上漲以及網路擁擠的情況,交易費用出現了明顯的上升。
為了確保您的交易能夠盡快確認,我們將不得不對COINHERO ATM的交易費用進行必要調整。 這將確保您的交易能夠優先處理,並儘可能避免延遲。
我們會密切觀察交易費用的情況,並在交易費用下降並保持穩定的情況下,適時進行調降。 我們致力於為您提供更好的交易體驗,並將持續專注於市場動態,以便做出相應的調整。
如果您對此有任何疑問或需要協助,請隨時聯絡WhatsApp COINHERO CS。 COINHERO感謝您一直以來的支持與體諒。
To All COINHERO users,
We would like to inform you that due to the recent surge in transaction fees (gas fees) on the Bitcoin network, we have had to adjust the transaction fees for COINHERO ATM. This adjustment is made in response to the current market conditions and to ensure the speed and reliability of transaction confirmations. We understand that this may cause inconvenience for everyone, but we believe it is a necessary measure to ensure smooth transactions.
Why are BTC transaction fees surging?
Bitcoin transaction fees are determined by the supply and demand dynamics and blockchain capacity on the Bitcoin network. Recently, due to the rising price of Bitcoin and network congestion, transaction fees have significantly increased.
Our response:
In order to ensure that your transactions are confirmed as quickly as possible, we will have to make necessary adjustments to the transaction fees for COINHERO ATM. This will ensure that your transactions are prioritized and minimize any potential delays.
Our commitment:
We will closely monitor the situation regarding transaction fees and make timely adjustments when fees decrease and stabilize. We are dedicated to providing you with a better trading experience and will continue to stay attentive to market dynamics for appropriate adjustments.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service team. COINHERO appreciates your ongoing support and understanding.